Albert's Auto Sales is located in Reading, Pennsylvania. This organization primarily operates in the Automobiles, Used Cars Only business / industry within the Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 50 years. Albert's Auto Sales is estimated to generate $158,235 in annual revenues, and employs approximately 1 people at this single location.
For half a century, Albert's Auto Sales has stood as a beacon in Reading, Pennsylvania's automotive industry. Nestled in the heart of the city at 2200 Howard Blvd, the organization has carved out a niche for itself in the business of used cars, operating within the broader context of automotive dealers and gasoline service stations.
From its humble beginnings, Albert's Auto Sales has grown steadily, now estimated to generate a commendable $158,235 in annual revenues. This enduring success is testament not just to the quality of the automobiles on offer, but also to the level of service and commitment that Albert's brings to the table.